Is the mental health profession on the right track?
Are we asking clients to fit into a box? Are we medicating symptoms that are really signals from our innate Truth pointing to what requires change? Is the US healthcare system excluding effective methods that can return clients to Authentic Living?
What if we helped clients discover who they really are?
This book is for the practitioner who is truly interested in facilitating their clients to Live Authentically. It will challenge you to do the same. Your embodiment of the spirit of the work will open up a whole new way for facilitating change.
Somatic & Energetic Resourcing provides a wealth of tools for practitioners to use for themselves, and with clients, to discover Truth and build core stability. These tools begin a journey of discovery—the difference between ego/personality/false selves, and your Authentic Selves. They offer a way to assess and prepare your clients for trauma resolution work. They strengthen your relationship, create a more stable core sense of self, and provide your client tools for handling strong emotions that often emerge when using EMDR and other trauma resolution therapies.
I invite you to step out of the box, and be the model of Living Authentically™.
Created by Dr. Barbara Hensley, the Francine Shapiro Library is dedicated to Francine Shapiro, originator and developer of the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP), Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. The purpose of this Library is to provide information for clinicians, researchers, and lay people on the effectiveness and of EMDR therapy for a wide range of mental health issues.
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Debra Littrell, MA, LMHC is a facilitator, author, speaker, workshop facilitator, consultant, trainer and psychotherapist. She began her career in the mental health field in 1977. She has worked in locked psychiatric settings, crisis centers, juvenile justice, social services, mental health, and private practice. About ten years into her career she began noticing that traditional methods for treatment were not providing change for a significant number of people.
Debra began a journey of asking questions. What would offer change? What prevented change from occurring? What else is available or could be created that would give people the relief they were looking for? She began exploring alternative methods of treatment, some of which became clinically validated in later years. She studied body centered psychotherapies, various spiritual traditions, and a variety of energetic modalities.
She explores with her clients what works for them to design individualized plans. This has meant stepping out of the traditional prescribed-treatment box and into a more fluid way of working. Debra prefers to work as a facilitator of change since the traditional psychotherapy box limits what is possible for change. Especially if insurance is used.
"This amazing little book offers essential tools to transform our approach to therapy. I have always believed that symptoms are evidence of deeper distress and are therefore not sufficient targets for therapy; however too many modern approaches to therapy are technique-based and only scratch the surface. It is truly painful to see clients lose previous gains when symptoms reappear in yet another form. The wisdom shared here by Debra Littrell offers us a remedy to this impasse and challenges us to understand our clients in a deeper and more holistic way. By working collaboratively and experientially, we can guide clients through the preparation that is necessary to truly engage in healing work. I have found her materials to be invaluable in my clinical practice and am thrilled that she has chosen to share her insights with a broader audience. Brilliant!"
—Jackie G. Szarka, MA, PhD
Seattle, WA
"I have been in Debra's consultation group for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR Therapy) and have had the opportunity to learn a few of the somatic and energetic skills described in her book. These skills are simple and powerful tools to help individuals feel grounded and empowered by being more authentic. In helping my clients with these skills, I have found it useful to incorporate these skills as part of my own self care. Because of how clearly Debra has laid out the skills, transcripts of interactions and rationale for each, it is not necessary to have the training to effectively utilize the steps in her book. However, her book makes you want to learn more, and I look forward to continued learning in this area."
—Beth Murphy, Psy.D.
Bellevue, WA